What's Changed * Fix datetime handling in deep_convert_datetimes function to ensure pr… by butkeraites-hotglue in https://github.com/hotgluexyz/gluestick/pull/50
What's Changed * make string type nullable when reading parquet files by keyn4 in https://github.com/hotgluexyz/gluestick/pull/49
What's Changed * bump to_export OUTPUT_FILE_PREFIX to support variables by keyn4 in https://github.com/hotgluexyz/gluestick/pull/46 * Support catalog_types on parquet files by hsyyid in https://github.com/hotgluexyz/gluestick/pull/40
What's Changed * add support to keep all null fields for unified schemas by keyn4 in https://github.com/hotgluexyz/gluestick/pull/45
What's Changed * Deals with title and required possible fields by butkeraites-hotglue in https://github.com/hotgluexyz/gluestick/pull/44