
Latest version: v1.0.9

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- Incorporates newest version of GlycoGenius, which includes:
- Better isotopic fitting score calculation;
- Faster pick-peaking;
- Implemented Amidated/Ethyl-esterified Neu5Gc.

- Added interface button for plotting of Quality Control Scores Distribution for better assessment of QC thresholds.

If you use the console version, please, report any errors that might pop up, together with what was done to get it.


Now running on GlycoGenius 1.1.19, which includes:

- Added support for Xylose;
- Improved isotopic fitting score calculation;
- Parallelization of chromatograms alignment, improving speed;
- Much greater library generation speed (now should take at most a couple minutes even for bigger libraries, such as 5000 or more glycans);
- A lot of small bug fixes.

In this release it's also included one binary that works with the console, useful for debugging/troubleshooting. Feel free to use it and report any errors found and what lead to it.


- Using GlycoGenius 1.1.15 now, which includes a small fix to library metadata;
- Correctly displays .gg file and .ggl file information (ie. origin of library used, and if library was built from combinatorial generation, imported or from a custom glycans list);
- Made Groups window for Metaboanalyst output resizable so that big filenames don't suppress the entry fields for the groups.


- Minor fix on Custom Glycans window;
- Made PyPI release functional.


- Minor fix to the error window when selecting wrong/corrupted sample/analysis file.


- Lots of Quality of Life improvements:
- Spectra viewer no longer resets everytime a new chromatogram of the same sample is clicked;
- An error window is displayed now whenever a sample/reanalysis file couldn't be loaded properly;
- Thresholds settings for quality control scores moved to main window;
- Versions added to 'About' window;
- Added option to visualize imported library metadata;
- Includes all fixes implemented in GlycoGenius 1.1.14.

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