* Add Juniper JunOS space appliance.
* Sync checkpoint gaia appliance template.
* Sync appliance templates.
* Make sure we use an IPv4 address in the remote install script.
* Delete old pcap file when starting a new packet capture.
* Fix bug preventing to export portable projects with IOU images.
* Ignore invalid BPF filters. Ref 1290.
* Different approach to handle no data returned by uBridge hypervisors. Fixes 1289.
* Do not raise exception if Dynamips or uBridge hypervisor don't return data and are still running. Fixes 1289
* Fix Dynamips private config not loaded into nvram when starting a router. Fixes 1313.
* Make sure we don't try to read when opening a file in binary more. Fixes 1301.
* Compatybility with controller, default_symbol and hover_symbol, Fixes: 2444
* Filter snapshots directory during the snapshot, Fixes: 1297
* Handle docker env with last empty line, Fixes: 2420
* Require uBridge version 0.9.14 on Linux
* Pywin32 instead of pypiwin32, Ref. 1276
* Fix missing 'locales' package in base image
* Implement a minimum interval between psutil calls. Fixes 2262
* Fix error when appliance template is broken (missing fields). Fixes 1287.
* Fix "Change of linked base VM doesn't work with templates migrated from 2.0"
* Fix "Unable to override non-custom VMware adapter".
* Let a project be opened when a port cannot be found (can happens if a project is corrupted).
* Add an error message when Docker container is not ready to be started. Ref 1281.
* Update documentation.
* Sync appliance files.
* Fix issue when running multiple project containing IOU nodes on the same server. Ref 1239.
* Set first byte to 52 when generating a random MAC address for a Qemu VM. Ref 1267.
* Update link state and save project when a link is suspended or filters are added/removed (without node properties set).
* More generic dependency for pypiwin32, Ref. 1276