- **Backwards Incompatible Release**
Internals replaced with `pydantic <https://pypi.org/project/pydantic/>`_. Users can either pin to ``1.0.0`` or update their code as follows:
- Replace ``goodconf.Value`` with ``goodconf.Field``.
- Replace ``help`` keyword argument with ``description`` in ``Field`` (previously ``Value``).
- Remove ``cast_as`` keyword argument from ``Field`` (previously ``Value``). Standard Python type annotations are now used.
- Move ``file_env_var`` and ``default_files`` keyword arguments used in class initialization to a sub-class named ``Config``
Given a version ``1`` class that looks like this:
.. code:: python
from goodconf import GoodConf, Value
class AppConfig(GoodConf):
"Configuration for My App"
DEBUG = Value(default=False, help="Toggle debugging.")
MAX_REQUESTS = Value(cast_as=int)
config = AppConfig(default_files=["config.yml"])
A class updated for version `2` would be:
.. code:: python
from goodconf import GoodConf, Field
class AppConfig(GoodConf):
"Configuration for My App"
DEBUG: bool = Field(default=False, description="Toggle debugging.")
class Config:
config = AppConfig()