What's Changed
* Allow arms to have alphabetical names. by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1190
* Add dev version in README and slightly improve supported algorithms writing by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1194
* Small fix on raytune conversion: Integer.high is exclusive actually: https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/_modules/ray/tune/search/sample.html#randint, but we're inclusive. by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1195
* Support `xs_cutoff` for the convergence curves comparators. by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1192
* Update description of Eagle hyper-params. by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1196
* Tidy `clients.py` following https://github.com/ray-project/ray/pull/48684/files#r1854943374, use `ResourceNotFoundError` if study is not found. by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1200
* Allow numpy 2.0 by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1202
* Small aesthetic doc fixes by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1203
* Resolve unsoundness caught by pytype --strict-none-binding. by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1209
* Allows dependency injection of the GP model into the `GP_UCB_PE` designer by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1208
* Allows dependency injection of random sampling and projection functions to VectorizedEagle by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1210
* Minor refactor of `GP_UCB_PE` by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1211
* Adds multi-metric support to `GP_UCB_PE` by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1217
* Updating Pytype None check for eagle_strategy.py by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1197
* Is_parallel should be False for scalarized GP_BANDIT, as it doesn't allow for multimetric batch. by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1221
* Update docs and version due to multiobjective in GP-UCB-PE by copybara-service in https://github.com/google/vizier/pull/1220
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/google/vizier/compare/v0.1.20...v0.1.21