- **[PRO]** Added support for working with [binary protocols (thrift/protocol buffers)](https://github.com/buger/gor/wiki/%5BPRO%5D-Replaying-Binary-protocols)
- **[PRO]** [Recording and replaying keep alive TCP sessions](https://github.com/buger/gor/wiki/%5BPRO%5D-Recording-and-replaying-keep-alive-TCP-sessions)
- Replaying request in proper order when using multiple files 300
- Validate bodies when Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding found 317
- Return of ElasticSearch support! 331 333
- Added `--exit-after` option to specify duration after which Gor will exit 336
- Updated response output file format, now third value is timestamp and forth is latency
- Properly read body when no `Content-Length` but there is `Connection: close` d34c27c
- Remove `--input-http` option (too confusing and never really worked) f0acd31
- Force Go DNS resolver (C one caused crashes for multiple people) 07fa6d9
- Fix interception on loopback interface when non-local IP used 1ed8691
- Fix intercepting traffic from virtual interfaces 51860e1
- Fix 100-continue header when it places not in the end 314
- Fix relative file names when using `--output-file` 304
- Properly cleanup used resources on exit 305
- Fix connection timeout when using `--output-http-timeout` c4271ff