* first version with automated `nose <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/nose/>`_ tests generated by `pythoscope <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pythoscope/>`_ * added :mod:`dxf2img` to raster .dxf files (Autocad) to bitmap images * added :meth:`math2.int_or_float`
* :meth:`datetime2.hhmm` replaced by more general :meth:`datetime2.strftimedelta` * added :meth:`table.Table.read_xls` to read Excel files through `xlrd <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/xlrd/>`_
* corrected bug in :meth:`datetime2.hhmm` * :mod:`piecewise` : added shift operators * bug corrected in :meth:`optim.tsp` * :mod:`table` :
* added :meth:`table.Table.remove_lines_where` * same encoding applied to all strings * bug corrected in :meth:`table.Table.groupby`
* added :class:`nvd3.multiBarHorizontal` * div/svg size can now be set correctly * more attributes supported * uses colors_range for nicer graphics * :mod:`itertools2`:
* added :meth:`itertools2.ilinear` * moved :meth:`itertools2.arange` from math2
* nvd3.py
* added to generate JavaScript charts using http://nvd3.org/ * outputs strings to inline in HTML : no fancy JSON or server dependent stuff * markup.py now (again) prints page while generated * added :meth:`itertools2.rand_seq`, :meth:`itertools2.all_pairs`, :meth:`itertools2.split`