What's Changed * Enabling Docstring linting by MattSutton17 in https://github.com/communitiesuk/pkg_gov_uk_dashboards/pull/31 * Update __init__.py's to simplify imports and provide documentation to users by MattSutton17 in https://github.com/communitiesuk/pkg_gov_uk_dashboards/pull/32 * fix: repair structure for the banner by Jordan-Hall in https://github.com/communitiesuk/pkg_gov_uk_dashboards/pull/33
Added a new html_list component that allows a user to display either an `<ul>` or `<ol>` containing a list of `<li>` items. The list has the option of adding extra spacing between list items for large amounts of text data
Added a new paragraph component to the package, that allows a `<p>` to be created with one of 3 preset sizes (Lead, Default, Small)
What's Changed * Restructure template by Jordan-Hall in https://github.com/communitiesuk/pkg_gov_uk_dashboards/pull/26