1/ Installation no longer requires SWIG. 2/ Reorganised source file locations and build process.
1/ Fixed failure to build with Python 3. 2/ Made gp_camera_trigger_capture thread aware.
1/ Bug fix: would not build with some versions of SWIG.
1/ gp_file_get_data_and_size() now returns a Python bytes object. 2/ gp_camera_wait_for_event() now returns data for some events. 3/ gp_camera_file_get() now allocates the returned CameraFile.
1/ Improved "docstring" documentation of each function. 2/ Slow operations no longer block other Python threads. 3/ Improved build process.
1/ Added "member functions" to many gphoto2 types to replace the higher level classes defined in Python. 2/ Removed the "higher level classes" defined in Python. 3/ Added __len__ and __getitem__ members to list-like gphoto2 types. 4/ Improved error handling. 5/ Improved memory safety.