- The decorator `parse_variables(__doc__, globals())` replacing `exec parse_variables(...)`
- Support for the MOSEK9 exponential cone solver. [Install with pip!](https://docs.mosek.com/9.1/pythonapi/install-interface.html)
And some things that are best seen [in the docs](https://gpkit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modelbuilding.html#multipoint-analysis-modeling):
- New and improved printing.
- v0.9.1: `A >= 2*s_(0,)*s_(1,) + 2*s_(0,)*s_(2,) + 2*s_(1,)*s_(2,), V <= s_(0,)*s_(1,)*s_(2,)`
- v0.9.9: `A >= 2*(s[0]*s[1] + s[1]*s[2] + s[2]*s[0]), V <= s[:].prod()`
- New syntax for modelnames.
- v0.9.1: `E_PowerSystem/Battery`
- v0.9.9: `PowerSystem.Battery.E`
- Dictionary constraints (which print nicely in addition to allowing easier access)
- {"definition of Re": Re == rho*V*c/mu, "definition of D": D >= 0.5*rho*V**2*CD*S}