Rewrite SBERT loading
Previously, GPL loads starting checkpoints (`--base_ckpt`) by [constructing SBERT model from scratch]( This way would lose some information of the checkpoint (e.g. pooling and max_seq_length), and one needed to specify them carefully.
Now we have created another method called [`load_sbert`]( It will use `SentenceTransformer(base_ckpt)` to load the checkpoint directly and do some checking & assertions. Loading from a Huggingface-format checkpoint (e.g. "distilbert-base-uncased") now is still possible for many cases as previous, **but we do recommend users to load from a SBERT-format if possible**, since it will be less likely to misuse the starting checkpoint.
Reformatting examples
In some cases, Huggingface-format checkpoint cannot be loaded directly by SBERT, e.g. "facebook/dpr-question_encoder-single-nq-base". This is because:
1. Of course, they are **not in SBERT-format** but in Hugginface-format;
2. And **for Huggingface-format**, SBERT can only work with the checkpoint with **a Transformer layer as the last layer**, i.e. the outputs should contain hidden states with shape `(batch_size, sequence_length, hidden_dimenstion)`.
To use these checkpoints, one needs to reformat them into SBERT-format. We have provided two examples/templates in the new toolkit source file, [gpl/toolkit/](gpl/toolkit/ Please refer to its readme [here](
Solved logging bug
Previously, the logging in GPL is overridden by some other loggers and the formatting cannot display as we want. Now we have solved this by dealing with the root logger. And the new formatting will show many usefull details:
fmt='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s [%(name)s.%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s'