
Latest version: v0.1.16

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Key Updates:
- Resolved a critical bug associated with the 'init' command, ensuring proper initialization of profiles without encountering errors.
- Introduced comprehensive profile validation to guarantee all profiles are correctly initialized before generating prompts, enhancing overall reliability.
- Improved argument parsing to enforce subcommands as mandatory, enhancing the CLI usability and minimizing user confusion.
- Refined prompt generation mechanisms, providing more precise control over directory structure and content prompts tailored to specific profiles.
- Enhanced error reporting for better user experience, ensuring smoother troubleshooting and resolution of issues.

- Updated dependencies and refined documentation for clearer setup instructions, streamlining the onboarding process.
- Compatibility ensured with Python 3.6 and above, maintaining accessibility across different environments.

This update emphasizes the continued refinement and stability of gpt_automation, addressing community feedback and resolving reported issues to enhance user satisfaction.


Key Updates:
- Introduced comprehensive profile validation to ensure all profiles are properly initialized before generating prompts.
- Improved argument parsing to make subcommands mandatory, enhancing the CLI usability.
- Refined prompt generation mechanisms, allowing more precise control over directory structure and content prompts based on specific profiles.
- Fixed issues related to default profile handling and enhanced error reporting for better user experience.

- Updated dependencies and refined documentation for clearer setup instructions.
- Ensure compatibility with Python 3.6 and above.

This update focuses on making `gpt_automation` more robust and user-friendly, addressing community feedback and reported issues.


🚀 **New Features:**
- Added support for generating a prompt with directory structure only (`--dir`) to list directories in the project.
- Added support for generating a prompt with content only (`--content`) to include file contents in the project.
- Implemented error handling for specifying a non-existent profile in the prompt command.
- Improved error messages for better clarity and user guidance.

🛠️ **Maintenance and Updates:**
- Updated dependencies:
- pyperclip to version 1.8.2.
- vrocky-gitignore-parser to version 0.1.12.

🔗 **For more details, refer to the project homepage:** [](

👨‍💻 **Special Thanks to all contributors and users for their feedback and support!**

**gpt automation release enhancements**



pipx install --upgrade gpt-automation

You can find GPT Automation 0.1.12 on [PyPI](

As always, we welcome your feedback. If you have any questions or run into any issues, please let us know.


Added profile feature.

To install the new version, simply use pipx or pip:

pipx install autogpt==0.1.4


pip install --upgrade autogpt

You can find GPT Automation 0.1.4 on [PyPI](

As always, we welcome your feedback. If you have any questions or run into any issues, please let us know.


Enhanced ease of use: You can now run prompt-dir and prompt-all without extra arguments, making it easier than ever to generate your project structure.
Simplified initialization: The init command now sets up a .gpt directory with sample blacklist and whitelist files if it doesn't already exist.
More robust command-line interface: We've refined the CLI to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.
This version maintains the handy functionalities of GPT Automation, like automatically generating your project's directory structure, file contents, and offering the ability to copy either the entire project structure or just the directory structure to the clipboard.

To install the new version, simply use pipx or pip:

pipx install autogpt==0.1.3


pip install --upgrade autogpt

You can find GPT Automation 0.1.3 on [PyPI](

As always, we welcome your feedback. If you have any questions or run into any issues, please let us know.



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