Special shoutout this release to:
- davejcameron for well tested contributions to file parsing. Keep the good work up.
- patillacode for ensuring we have a smooth process and merge PRs quickly and efficiently
- carlthome for pushing and not compromising with best practices across the repository, levelling all of us up.
And to all the other new and old contributors. Let's continue making this great. 🏃
**Fresh benchmark results for this release, big improvements**
<img width="400" alt="image" src="https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/assets/4467025/e8dc7d55-3170-45ae-a5bd-db354f8fc047">
What's Changed
* fix(bug): toml misconfiguration by gblikas in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/189
* Refactored by Sourcery AI by LopeKinz in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/188
* Fix for += by LopeKinz in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/199
* tweak make file for running the app by patillacode in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/203
* Fix square bracket file name issue by davejcameron in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/173
* add workflow to execute unit tests by Snoup97 in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/118
* Improved CONTRIBUTING.md by Harshad112 in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/208
* Add mypy by rdesparbes in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/224
* Add pytest pre commit hook by patillacode in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/210
* Additional filename handling by davejcameron in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/221
* enabled compatiblilty with python versions <3.9 fixes 253 by SlamChillz in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/254
* Handle newlines between filename by davejcameron in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/250
* Add pull request and issue templates by aroramrinaal in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/222
* v0.0.4 benchmark, stricter typing, smaller fixes and new README by AntonOsika in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/268
New Contributors
* gblikas made their first contribution in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/189
* LopeKinz made their first contribution in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/188
* davejcameron made their first contribution in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/173
* Harshad112 made their first contribution in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/208
* rdesparbes made their first contribution in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/224
* SlamChillz made their first contribution in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/254
* aroramrinaal made their first contribution in https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/pull/222
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/AntonOsika/gpt-engineer/compare/v0.0.3...v0.0.4