We're excited to officially launch the new and production ready front end application to GPT Researcher leveraging NextJS and Tailwind CSS! This is another important milestone towards the ultimate automated research assistant and big shoutout to ElishaKay for leading this all the way. In addition, we have some powerful additions by the best community on GIthub including improvements to vector stores, embedding models, usage of env vars with multi agent framework, bug fixes and more! Check the detailed list below.
What's Changed
* [Fix] No module named 'json5' by gkhngyk in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/770
* ✅ CI / CD - run tests on every commit by ElishaKay in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/690
* Update README.md by mirkancal in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/778
* Fix TypeError in custom reports due to missing 'tone' parameter by Gitzoz in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/784
* Improved azure openai config by danieldekay in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/786
* fix: added missing langgraph to requirements.txt by danieldekay in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/785
* ✅ ready for merge: Fullstack fixes by ElishaKay in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/783
* Enhancement: OpenAI Embedding Model Selection by eitag-uni in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/789
* Update prompts.py by Einengutenmorgen in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/797
* multi-agent approach should now use .env file for config of llm by danieldekay in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/795
* Support langchain vectorstores by hslee16 in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/781
* ✅ ready for merge: nextjs to root by ElishaKay in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/800
* multi_agents/requirements.txt was missing loguru by sdisaacson in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/802
New Contributors
* mirkancal made their first contribution in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/778
* Gitzoz made their first contribution in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/784
* eitag-uni made their first contribution in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/789
* Einengutenmorgen made their first contribution in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/797
* sdisaacson made their first contribution in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/802
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/compare/v.3.0.5...v3.0.6
This week includes a critical update to all GPTR users - we've focused on optimizations and happy to update that GPTR pip package is now **87% lighter** (!!). This is big news to all Docker users and has been a long time request. In addition, we've added support for human in the loop to the multi agent solution. This itself marks a new milestone toward better human-agent experience throughout the research processes. Thank you again to the 1 AI community!
What's Changed
* Stabilize master by ElishaKay in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/755
* Optimized project dependencies by assafelovic in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/756
* minimalistic-deps by ElishaKay in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/757
* made use of azure_openai consistent (and not just in the base model, … by danieldekay in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/759
* WIP: Human in the loop - frontend support by ElishaKay in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/762
New Contributors
* danieldekay made their first contribution in https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/pull/759
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher/compare/v3.0.4...v.3.0.5