
Latest version: v0.1.5

Safety actively analyzes 702602 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New Release: Extended Language Support for GPT4Readability!

I'm thrilled to announce an enhanced version of my GPT4Readability package (version 0.0.8). It now supports README generation for an extensive list of popular programming languages:

- **Python**
- **JavaScript** & **React (JSX)**
- **TypeScript** & **TypeScript with JSX**
- **Java**
- **C** & **C++**
- **C**
- **Go**
- **Ruby**
- **PHP**
- **Rust**
- **Swift**
- **Objective-C**
- **HTML**, **CSS**, & **SCSS**
- **Kotlin**
- **Lua**
- **R**
- **Perl**
- **Shell Script**
- **Scala**
- **Julia**

I've run GPT4Readability on several repositories to demonstrate its understanding of different programming languages. Here are some of the examples (please feel free to add more if you find others):

1. [C & Java README](
2. [Bash README](
3. [Julia README](
4. [ROS, Python & C++ README](
5. [Scala README](



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