
Latest version: v0.13.2

Safety actively analyzes 702474 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- new gpy-verify-installed-reqs tool, to verify that package requirements are satisfied (i.e. we caught all the deps),
- crash fixes for gpy-depgraph & gpy-showimpls.


New tools:
- gpy-cands: a quick lister for packages to convert to python-r1
(a simpler replacement for gpy-depcands);
- gpy-depgraph: a tool to convert flat package list into a plottable
dependency graph;
- gpy-find-missing-meta: a tool to find common mistakes in python-r1
packages (mostly missing metadata);
- gpy-impl: a simple mangler for PYTHON_COMPAT, inspired by ekeyword.

Tools obsoleted (removed from dist):
- gpy-counts -- it mostly outputs 100% these days now that python.eclass
is gone,
- gpy-depcands -- replaced by simpler gpy-cands, now that we do not have
python.eclass and only need to hunt for dev-lang/python deps.

Other fixes:
- a few bugs with PYTHON_COMPAT mangling have been fixed,
- supported implementation lookup now avoids running bash code if USE
flags are available (i.e. python-r1 or python-single-r1 is used),
- RDEPEND on dev-lang/python now suggests python-single-r1 rather than
(incorrectly) python-any-r1,
- gpy-showimpls now has a redundancy ('unused') column alike eshowkw
that indicates whether the revision can be removed (checking both
keywords and PYTHON_COMPAT),
- gpy-*impl* now allows using short names for implementations
(e.g. '3.5' instead of 'python3_5').


- gpy-upgrade-impl: reporting stabilization candidates
- gpy-upgrade-impl: group packages using slotted key
- gpy-depcands, gpy-drop-dead-impls: fixes
- gpy-counts: includes timestamp in the output


- fix prepending to PYTHON_COMPAT.
- handle implementations that are not supported in python.eclass,
- store implementation support state in the repository,
- gpy-showimpls: mark package keywords and used eclass,
- gpy-upgrade-impl: update both the newest live and non-live ebuilds.


- handle nested braces in PYTHON_COMPAT,
- update the list of implementations.


- support wildcards in RESTRICT_PYTHON_ABIS,
- gpy-showimpls: highlight python eclass used,
- gpy-depcheck re-introduced,
- add README file with detailed description,
- gpy-depcands: --all to list all packages to convert,
- update supported impls.

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