1. Unique values (global variable `unique`) no longer aim for individuality, but instead adopt a stable and universal method.
2. Adjusted the position and parameter types for validating `DataValidator` initialization parameters, resulting in a more structurally sound process.
3. Blueprints can now be instances of a `dict` subclass (changed the way blueprints are type-validated, no longer only validate the direct type of the instance).
4. Optimized blocks of code to generate mapping dictionaries for both definable and coercible types.
5. Removed optional parameter `allowable_placeholder`, as it is unlikely to be modified and unnecessary to modify.
6. Improved functional descriptive information and made class `DataStruct` uninheritable.
7. Optimized example code and build module code, including files `test.py` and `setup.py`.
8. Refactored (improved) the method used to retrieve version information in `setup`, directly extracting it from `package.__doc__` instead of opening a file.
9. Adjust the open source library categorization information on PyPi.
10. Update the README file.
1.唯一值(全局变量 `unique`)不再追求个性,而是采用稳妥的通用方案。
2.调整 `DataValidator` 初始化参数的校验位置和参数类型,使结构性更完美。
3.创建蓝图允许是 `dict` 的子类实例(改变蓝图的类型校验方式,不再只校验实例的直接类型)。
5.删除可选参数 `allowable_placeholder`,它几乎不会被修改,也没有必要修改。
6.改进功能描述信息,并使类 `DataStruct` 不可被继承。
7.优化示例代码和构建模块代码,包括文件 `test.py`,`setup.py`。
8.重构(改进) `setup` 中获得版本信息的方案,直接从 `package.__doc__` 中提取,而不再打开文件。