1.A big upgrade, improved a lot of areas, make up for the past many deficiencies.
2.Parameter annotations have been greatly improved, covering almost all parameters.
3.Improved exceptions, warning, and `msg` methods in `GqylpyException`.
4.Improved process for obtaining the logger (Get the logger during initialization, not on every call, greatly improve the execution speed).
5.Fixed the error when actively raise `ParameterError` exception.
6.Remove decorators `TryExceptAsync` and `RetryAsync` and integrate them into `TryExcept` and `Retry` (Still available in the current version,removed in the next version definite).
7.Deprecate parameters `ignore` and `output_raw_exc` in `TryExcept` and `Retry`, replaced to `silent_exc` and `raw_exc`.