**Using GrapeTree**
GrapeTree is a fully interactive, tree visualization program within [EnteroBase](http://enterobase.warwick.ac.uk/), which supports facile manipulations of both tree layout and metadata. It generates GrapeTree figures using the neighbor-joining (NJ) algorithm, the classical minimal spanning tree algorithm (MSTree) similar to PhyloViz, or an improved minimal spanning tree algorithm which we call MSTree V2.
The stand-alone version presented here emulates the EnteroBase version through a lightweight webserver running on your local computer. You will be interacting with the program as you would in EnteroBase; through a web browser. We recommend Google Chrome for best results.
Detailed documentation is available here: http://enterobase.readthedocs.io/en/latest/grapetree/grapetree-about.html
**Running on Mac: Download GrapeTree_mac.zip**
You will need to unzip GrapeTree_mac.zip (just double click) then open the extracted folder and run GrapeTree_mac. You may be warned about Security settings, if you right click on the GrapeTree binary and then click "Open" it should be fine.
**Running on Windows: Download GrapeTree_win.zip**
Once downloaded, you will need to unzip GrapeTree_win.zip and then open the extracted folder and run GrapeTree_win.exe. When you run it the first time on windows you might get a prompt about security. On Windows 10, click the small text: "More info", and then the button "Run Anyway".
**Source code**
Source code is available in tar.gz or zip format.
**Change Log**
* Hotfix for FastME Binary, so that it works out of the box on Linux distros.