- Refactored the basic `GraphStorage` and `AnnotationStorage` APIs to handle
errors. Previously, we used mostly main memory containers which had an API
that could not fail. This was reflected in the `GraphStorage` and
`AnnotationStorage` APIs, which directly returned the result or an iterator
over the non-fallible results. With the addition of disk-based
implementations, this API model was not possible to implement without using
panics when repeated access to the disk failed. Some of the API that was
changed was user visible when using the `graphannis-core` crate (and thus the
C-API), so this release is not technically backwards-compatible. Adapting to
the updated API should be restricted to handle the errors returned by the
- The changes to the error handling also affects the C-API. These following
functions have now a `ErrorList` argument:
* `annis_cs_list_node_annotations`
* `annis_cs_list_edge_annotations`
* `annis_cs_list_components_by_type`
* `annis_cs_unload`
* `annis_iter_nodeid_next`
* `annis_graph_annotations_for_node`
* `annis_graph_outgoing_edges`
* `annis_graph_annotations_for_edge`
- Renamed the Criterion-based benchmark CLI to `bench_queries` and synchronize
its arguments to the current version of Criterion.
- More efficient node path extraction in `count_extra` function and when sorting
the matches.
- Avoid large memory consumption when importing GraphML files by resetting an
internal buffer on each XML event.
- Limit the number of disk maps for the `GraphUpdate` so there are less issues
with large corpora where the maximum number of open files per process might be
- Performance improvements when importing large corpora in disk-based mode. This
optimizes the DiskMap to use a C0 (normal in memory BTree), a C1 (on disk
BTree) and a C2 map when serialized to disk. On compacting, the entries are
only written to C1 in O(n*log(n)). Before, multiple on disk maps might need to
be merged, which had a much worse complexity. The C1 file uses the
transient-btree-index crate.
- Trim mapping entries when importing relANNIS resolver files (222).
- Fixed schema errors in the Webservice OpenAPI file.