What's Changed * Deploy to PyPi on tagged release by scottgigante in https://github.com/KrishnaswamyLab/graphtools/pull/65 * Use `scipy.sparse.csgraph.shortest_path` by scottgigante in https://github.com/KrishnaswamyLab/graphtools/pull/66
Changeset: * added `knn_max` argument to `kNNGraph` * increased test coverage * restyled code with `black`
Changeset: * `shortest_path` now works for all graphs with `data` and `affinity` distance metrics * added automatic `n_pca` detection (thanks stanleyjs) * changed default `decay` to 40 * renamed `kernel_symm='theta'` to `kernel_symm='mnn'` * bugfixes
Changeset: * Changed default value of `theta` for `kernel_symm='theta'` to 1 (was 0.5) * Added `BaseGraph.to_pickle` and `graphtools.read_pickle` functionality for saving and storing graphs * Improved warning message for many duplicate entries * various bug fixes
Changeset: * `knn` no longer includes self. Note that this change means that to reproduce a graph created with `graphtools v0.*`, you will need to reduce `knn` by 1. * deprecated Python 2.7 * fixed some inefficient sparse matrix functions