- Merge ``galaxycfg`` and ``galaxyadm`` commands to ``galaxy``.
- Allow for passing names of individual services directly to ``supervisorctl`` via the ``start``, ``stop``, and ``restart`` methods. - Fix a bug where uWSGI would not start when using the automatic virtualenv install method.
- Version bump because I deleted the 0.8 files from PyPI, and despite the fact that it lets you delete them, it doesn't let you upload once they have been uploaded once...
- Add auto-register to ``galaxy start`` if it's called from the root (or subdirectory) of a Galaxy root directory. - Make ``galaxycfg remove`` accept instance names as params in addition to config file paths. - Use the same hash generated for an instance name as the hash for a generated virtualenv name, so virtualenvs are more easily identified as belonging to a config. - Renamed from ``galaxyadmin`` to ``gravity`` (thanks John Chilton).
- Added the ``galaxyadm`` subcommand ``graceful`` on a suggestion from Nicola Soranzo. - Install uWSGI into the config's virtualenv if requested. - Removed any dependence on Galaxy and eggs. - Moved project to its own repository from the Galaxy clone I'd been working from.