13 April 2015
- Don't do the interactive print/reprint a test line behavior when we're not
connected to a terminal. Contributed by Sam Spilsbury. Issue 52. Pull
request 53.
- Fixed a rather largeish bug that caused all configuration files to be
ignored. Issue 56. Thanks for Monty Hindman for finding and reporting the
- The `g` script has been improved so that wildcards are passed through without
local expansion. `g` is is used by developers to try out changes to green
itself in-place without installing it. Contributed by Monty Hindman. Pull
request 57.
- Switch to Travis CI's docker builders for faster builds. Contributed by Sam
Spilsbury. Issue 54. Pull request 55.
- Cleaned up the formatting of dates on this changelog file.
- Removed Python 3.3 builders on Linux, now that they're failing. Official
support for Python 3.3 was dropped on 31 August 2014. It may still work in
various use cases, but no guarantees.
- Fixed `test_versions` again. The regex for non-Travis CI builds had broken,
so that only the default python was being tested on development setups.