Added: * _ function that allows you to dynamically create predicates. _('myPredicate', arg, arg2, ...argN)
Changed: * Predicates are no longer forced to lower case. If there needs to be a different representation for the predidate, overwrite the _function method
Fixed: * There was an error in type checking for Functions' arguments regarding Gremlin instances (fixed in a few other places too).
Changed: * Predicates now back to binding arguments.
Fixed: * When defining a parent gremlin object, the current parameters are bound up the chain * Fixed the GetEdge statement
Removed: * A bunch of newly added predicates: out, outE, outV, in, inE, inV, both, bothE, bothV -- they were deemed unnecessary
Changed: * Added new predicates: out, outE, outV, in, inE, inV, both, bothE, bothV
Fixed: * Predicates now work correctly
Changed: * When manually adding a token via gremlin.add_token the arguments for the token itself previously required them to be wrapped in a list. This was confusing and caused pain within the tiny library. I removed this in favor of *args and since the lib is in its infancy, this will not cause a version change. * Made AS (which evals to as()) a predicate because its arguments should not be bound when called. * Predicates now nolonger bind parameters. They utilitze UnboundFunction under the hood.
Fixed: * Get edge built-in statement
Fixed: * Bug where Gremlin.stack\_bound_params was not redefining the parent variable causing an infinite loop.