* New features and methods
* Reza Hosseini: Forecast interpretability. Forecasts can now be broken down to grouped components: trend, seasonality, events, autoregression, regressors, intercept, etc.
* Sayan Patra: Enhanced components plot. Now supports autoregression, lagged regressors, residuals; adds support for centering.
* Kaixu Yang: Auto model components. (1) seasonality inferrer (2) holiday inferrer (3) automatic growth.
* Kaixu Yang: Lag-based estimator. Supports lag-based forecasts such as week-over-week.
* Reza Hosseini: Fast simulation option. Provides a better accuracy and speed for mean prediction when simulation is used in autoregression.
* Kaixu Yang: Quantile regression option for Silverkite ``fit_algorithm``.
* New model templates
* Kaixu Yang: AUTO. Automatically chooses templates based on the data frequency, forecast horizon and evaluation configs.
* Reza Hosseini, Kaixu Yang: SILVERKITE_MONTHLY - a SimpleSilverkite template designed for monthly time series.
* Kaixu Yang: SILVERKITE_WOW. Uses Silverkite to model seasonality, growth and holiday effects, and then uses week-over-week to fit the residuals. The final prediction is the total of the two models.
* New datasets
* 4 hourly datasets: Solar Power, Wind Power, Electricity, San Francisco Bay Area Traffic.
* 1 daily dataset: Bitcoin Transactions.
* 2 monthly datasets: Sunspot, FRED House Supply.
* Library enhancements and bug fixes
* The SILVERKITE template has been updated to include automatic autoregression and changepoint detection.
* Renamed ``SilverkiteMultistageEstimator`` to ``MultistageForecastEstimator``.
* Renamed the normalization method "min_max" to "zero_to_one".
* Reza Hosseini: Added normalization methods: "minus_half_to_half", "zero_at_origin".
* Albert Chen: Updated tutorials.
* Yi Su: Upgraded fbprophet 0.5 to prophet 1.0.
* Yi Su: Upgraded holidays to 0.13.
* Albert Chen Kaixu Yang Yi Su: Speed optimization for Silverkite algorithms.
* Albert Chen Reza Hosseini Kaixu Yang Sayan Patra Yi Su: Other library enhancements and bug fixes.