Notable changes
- Content is now refreshed when the file changes ([135]( - thanks, [markbt][]!)
- Rename `--gfm` to `--user-content` to reduce confusion ([139](
- Fix general Readme [Task Lists]( ([#149](
- Rearchitect the internals
- Add tests
Breaking changes (API)
- Reorder API function arguments for consistency
- Remove `STATIC_URL_PATH` from settings (use `Grip` constructor or the ENV variable instead)
- Remove `STYLE_URLS_SOURCE` and `STYLE_ASSET_` settings (they're now constants)
- Remove `CACHE_URL` setting (the cache URL is now `{}/cache.format(GRIPURL)`)
- Remove `github_renderer.render_content` (use `GitHubRenderer` instead)
- Remove `offline_renderer.render_content` (use `OfflineRenderer` instead)
- Remove `read_binary` and `read_text` functions (use `` directly)
- Remove `resolve_readme` (use `DirectoryReader(path, force).filename_for(None)` instead)
- Remove `` call in ``
- Route Grip assets through `/__/grip` by default instead of `/`
- Raise `ReadmeNotFoundError` when a Readme is not found instead of `ValueError`
- Require a Unicode string when rendering Markdown
- Set `DEBUG` to `False` by default in settings
- Use UPPERCASE for constants
Assumptions fixed
- Update URL of GitHub assets
Bugs fixed
- Stop `--browser` from consuming all the sockets ([136]( - thanks, [markbt][]!)
- Fix `--browser` to stop waiting when the server is terminated before it listens
- Fix `--browser` when listening on ``
- Fix Python 2.6
- Fix Python 3.x with `python -m grip`
- Allow caching of assets that include query parameters
- Take the `route` argument into account in `Grip.render` (this was broken in the old `render_app`)
- Fix rendering Readme containing Unicode by manually decoding UTF-8 from the GitHub response
Other changes
- Add `` as a supported default file title for GitHub Wikis
- Add `AlreadyRunningError` for calling `` while the server is already running
- Add `ReadmeNotFoundError` for cross-Python-version file-not-found errors
- Add `Grip`, a subclass of `Flask`
- Add `ReadmeAssetManager` and `GitHubAssetManager`
- Add `ReadmeReader`, `DirectoryReader`, `StdinReader`, and `TextReader`
- Add `ReadmeRenderer`, `GitHubRenderer`, and `OfflineRenderer`
- Add `grip.command.version` for printing version information (similar to `grip.command.usage`)
- Print version with `-V`
- Make `port` and `cancel_event` optional arguments in `wait_and_start_browser`
- Add `start_browser_when_ready` to wait and start the browser in a background thread
- Add the `--quiet` CLI option
- The `GRIPHOME` ENV variable now expands the user directory (`~`), e.g. `~/.config/grip`
- Add `DEFAULT_API_URL` constant as a fallback for when `api_url` is not specified in `render_content` or `GitHubRenderer`
- Add `grip_url` and its fallback constant `DEFAULT_GRIPURL` for specifying a route to serve Grip assets from
- Remove implicit dependencies in `requirements.txt`
- Readme: Add [Tips section](