Rewrote the content splitting mechanism. Each source html file can have the following format:
* at most one <head> section
* exactly one <main> section (with any number of inner scripts)
* any number of top-level <script> sections.
``grits-build`` takes ``--src``, ``--dst``, and ``--tpl``. Use ``--tpl`` to provide your own templates for eg.
``__full.html`` or ``__partial.html``.
Source scripts are broken up and the pieces stored in the rendering context as ``"head"``, ``"main"``,
and ``"scripts"``. These are each strings.
The simplest way to use ``render.Renderer`` is through ``Renderer.process()`` which runs through the source folder
and generates the necessary mapp-specific components like ``_dynamicRoutes.json``. If you manually generate files,
make sure to call ``Renderer.render_scaffolding()`` to produce those files.
* Split src_dir from templates_dir
* contents of src_dir are always rendered to output while templates_dir are only used to find extra templates