- Improved margin settings for PSD plots
- Added correlation between acoustic impedance and bulk unit weight from Chen et al (2021)
- Added common-origin approach for liquefaction assessment according to Saye et al (2021)
- Implemented cyclic shear stress ratio equations according to Youd et al (2001)
- Small change for the plotting functionality of Prandtl's failure mechanism
- Error corrected in docstring of undercompaction_cohesionless_ladd, mathematical symbol for undercompaction for shallowest and deepest layers were switched.
- Added possibility for alternative depth, qc, fs and u2 keys in load_pydov
- Added new modules for standards. Started with Eurocode 7-based parameter selection
- Modified Koppejan calculation to use standard 'Depth from [m]' and 'Depth to [m]' columns for the layering
- Added LogPlotMatplotlib for plotting of logs with Matplotlib
- Added functionality for parsing AGS3.1 files using the agsformat argument in the AGSConverter
- Added possibility of plotting friction ratio Rf instead of another panel to plot_raw_pcpt
- Bugfix in Boussinesq stress calculation below a strip footing
- Add general functionality for gridded calculations (``CalculationGrid`` in the ``soilprofile`` module)
- Added 1D excess pore pressure dissipation calculations based on finite difference analysis
- Added class for settlement calculations (``SettlementCalculation``) in the ``shallowfoundations.settlement`` module
- Added module for excavations and started with code for coefficients of active and passive earth pressure
- Changed license to GNU GPLv3
- Added placeholders for constitutive modelling functionality (constitutivemodels module)
- Added tutorials for settlement and consolidation functionality