gspread_asyncio brings compatibility with gspread 6.0 and removes some deprecated functions. See the [migration guide for gspread](
**Breaking Changes**
- The order of arguments for `AsyncioGspreadWorksheet.update()` has changed! Previously, you called it as `update("B2:C2", [["54", "55"]])`, it is now `update([["54", "55"]], "B2:C2")` or `update(range_name="B2:C2", values=[["54", "55"]])`
- The `AsyncioGspreadSpreadsheet.sheet1` property has been removed, use `get_sheet1()` instead.
- The `AsyncioGspreadSpreadsheet.get_title()` method has been removed, use the property `.title` instead.
- The `AsyncioGspreadWorksheet.delete_row()` method has been removed, use the method `.delete_rows()` instead.
- The `AsyncioGspreadWorksheet.duplicate()` method has been removed, use the method `AsyncioGspreadSpreadsheet.duplicate_sheet()` instead.
- Python 3.8+ is required.
New functionality:
- `combine_merged_cells` is now an argument for `get()` and `get_values()`. Thanks to Sethis for the implementation and sergoutre for the feature request.