- Update R readme
- Add severity check for model validity (used before kriging)
- Standardize graphics in R and Python
- Rename name1 and name2 into namex and namey for correlation representations
- Parameterize the amount of Nugget (technically) added in SPDE
- Corrections in the API functions of SPDE method
- New test (cpp) for benchmarking SPDE features
- Allow processing target variable with NA in SPDE API functions
- Suppress class MatrixSquareDiagonalCst
- Suppress class MatrixSquareDiagonal
- Important warning: the Drift part of the Model Neutral File has changed.
- Drift* is not a serializable class anymore (only Model class is)
- Adding Legend to plot.varmod for plot.R
- flagCste replaced by flagCst everywhere
- The Enum called EDrift is abandoned
- Function dbRegressionByColIdx() has been abandoned (use dbRegression instead)
- Function regressionByUID() has been abandoned (use regression instead)
- Improvement of Table printout (row name not truncated anymore)
- New class 'ResReg' for storing Regression formula (AStringable)
- Integrate R documentation for functions in plot.R into the R package
- Names in plot.R and plot.py are standardized: using camel-writing systematically
- New method Db_fromPanda for creating Db from Panda Frame (numerical columns only)
- New method Db_fromDF for creating Db from data.frame (numerical columns only)
- Fix functions having "String()" default value in r (replaced by "")
- dbStatististics* functions refactoring (same function for printing and calculating)
- New design for VarioParam / Vario
- Possibility to convert variogram to external language (Python or R) for In and Out