~~~~~ * Show time spent at the office (https://bugs.launchpad.net/gtimelog/+bug/238515). * Closing the main window minimizes GTimeLog to the system tray (https://bugs.launchpad.net/gtimelog/+bug/239271) * Ability to time-offset new log item (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/291356)
~~~~~ * Fix duplicates in the completion popup after you reload the log file (https://bugs.launchpad.net/gtimelog/+bug/238505). * Change status to Beta in setup.py -- while I still consider it to be less polished than it should, there are people who find it useful already.
~~~~~ * Tweak setup.py to get a sane page at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gtimelog/
~~~~~ * Entries with `***` are skipped from reports (bug 209750) * Help -> Online Documentation opens a browser with some help (bug 209754) * View -> Tasks allows you to hide the Tasks pane (bug 220773)
~~~~~ * Reorganize the source tree properly. * Bump intermediate revision number to celebrate.
~~~~~~ * First setuptools-based release (`easy_install gtimelog` now works).
Changes in older versions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You'll have to dig through Git logs to discover those, if you're really that interested: https://github.com/gtimelog/gtimelog/commits