What's Changed
* Sync Async Equivalence Tests by nefertitirogers in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/364
* Update README.md by ShreyaR in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/370
* Updated README to fix broken links by Napuh in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/371
* Bump pillow from 10.0.0 to 10.0.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/369
* Bump urllib3 from 2.0.4 to 2.0.6 by dependabot in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/368
* [docs] Update documentation for query function by ShreyaR in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/362
* Allow non-ascii characters in reask by irgolic in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/376
* add dead link checker by zsimjee in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/339
* Remove default expand in nav by zsimjee in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/373
* reflect in typing that parse returns a str instead of tuple by zsimjee in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/380
* shreyar -> guardrails-ai ref updates by zsimjee in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/381
* Create SimilarToList validator by thekaranacharya in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/367
* Bump urllib3 from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 by dependabot in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/393
* Bump gitpython from 3.1.34 to 3.1.37 by dependabot in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/383
* validator_service: Deduplicate field validation logs by irgolic in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/392
* use datetime parser to deal with unspecified datetimes by zsimjee in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/386
* Safe Get by CalebCourier in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/400
* Doc updates by CalebCourier in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/398
* skeleton_reask: Refrain from coercing lists and objects to string by irgolic in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/399
* Miscellaneous typo, type annotation and docs fixes by marwan116 in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/396
* generate_structured_data_cohere notebook by smohiuddin in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/409
* Add DetectSecrets validator by thekaranacharya in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/397
* Typing and XML removal by zsimjee in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/414
* release version script, version bump by zsimjee in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/416
New Contributors
* Napuh made their first contribution in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/371
* marwan116 made their first contribution in https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/pull/396
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/guardrails-ai/guardrails/compare/v0.2.4...v0.2.5