Release date: April 2016
Below is a list of changes made since Gudhi 1.2.0:
- Alpha complex (new package)
- Alpha_complex is a simplicial complex data structure constructed from the
finite cells of a Delaunay Triangulation.
- Cubical complex (new package)
- The cubical complex is an example of a structured complex useful in
computational mathematics (specially rigorous numerics) and image
- Witness complex (new package)
- Witness complex Wit(W,L) is a simplicial complex defined on two sets of
points in Rd. The data structure is described in the paper "Jean-Daniel
Boissonnat and Clément Maria. The Simplex Tree: An Efficient Data
Structure for General Simplicial Complexes. Algorithmica, pages 1–22,
- Persistent cohomology (new examples)
- alpha_complex_persistence: How to compute persistent homology from an
alpha complex.
- periodic_alpha_complex_3d_persistence.cpp: How to compute persistent
homology on a periodic alpha complex in 3D.
- Bitmap_cubical_complex.cpp: How to compute persistent homology from an
cubical complex.
- Bitmap_cubical_complex_periodic_boundary_conditions.cpp: How to compute
persistent homology from a periodic cubical complex.
- Documentation
- a section on examples.
- a summary of modules on the main page.
- Data sets
- tore3D_300.off: 300 random points on a 3D torus.
- grid_10_10_10_in_0_1.off: Points every 0.1 in each 3 dimensions in
[0, 1].
- in data/bitmaps : examples of Perseus style file for Cubical complex