
Latest version: v0.3.0

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* **Pan & Zoom**: The image can be panned and zoomed with the mouse
* **Zoom toolbar**: A toolbar is now available on bottom of the displayed image. It can be used to set the zoom.


* **Tree View Widget**: Create your tree with `guibbon.TreeNode` and pass it to `guibbon.TreeView(...)`
* **Custom Icon**: The window has an icon of a smiling guibbon now
* **Set Slider Name**: Allows to change the name of a Slider Widget after its instantiation
* **Improve Color Picker UX**: Add an "Edit" button to the Color Picker Widget for better UX

Bug fixes
* **Float image support**: Before this fix, it was not possible to use `guibbon.imshow(...)` on an image with dtype=float


First official release published on PyPI

* **Monkey Patching**: Inject Guibbon's function in cv2 package (not permanantly) with `guibbon.inject(cv2)`
* **Image Viewer**: shows image with `guibbon.imshow(...)` similarly to `cv2.imshow(...)` (can be monkey patched)
* **WaitKeyEx**: Similar to `cv2.WaitKeyEx(...)`, it supports most of the keyboard events (can be monkey patched)
* **Trackbar**: create and edit trackbar similarly to `cv2.createTrackbar` (can be monkey patched)
* **Slider Widget**: Same as `cv2.trackbar` but with a more flexible signature
* **Button Widget**: A button to trigger a callback
* **Check Button Widget**: Single check box to get control over a boolean
* **Check Button List Widget**: List of check boxes
* **Radio Buttons Widget**: Set of radio buttons (also called option buttons) to get control over an enum value
* **Color Picker Widget**: Let the user choose a color from a color palette
* **Custom Widget**: Exposing the `guibbon.WidgetInterface` allowing you to create and add your custom widget to the right panel
* **Interactive Point Overlay**: A draggable point on the image. The point act as a 2D slider returning you its position on the image
* **Interactive Polygon Overlays**: A set of draggable point on the image
* **Interactive Rectangle Overlays**: A couple of interactive points representing top-left and bottom-right corners of a rectangle
* **Magnets for Interactive Overlays**: A point cloud that can be injected to an interactive overlay. The overlay will snap to the magnets when dragged by the user.



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