Since this version, `guidata` is compatible with PyQt4 API 1 *and* API 2.
Please read carefully the coding guidelines which have been recently added to
the documentation.
Possible API compatibility issues:
* Removed deprecated wrappers around QFileDialog's static methods (use the wrappers provided by `guidata.qt.compat` instead):
* getExistingDirectory, getOpenFileName, getOpenFileNames, getSaveFileName
Bug fixes:
* qtwidgets.ShowFloatArrayWidget: fixed string float formatting issue (replaced %f by %g)
* Fixed compatiblity issues with PyQt v4.4 (Contributor: Carlos Pascual)
* Fixed missing 'child_title' attribute error with FileOpenItem, FilesOpenItem, FileSaveItem and DirectoryItem
* (Fixes Issue 8) disthelpers.add_modules was failing when vs2008=False
Other changes:
* added *this* changelog
* qtwidgets: removed ProgressPopUp dialog (it is now recommended to use QProgressDialog instead, which is pretty much identical)
* Replaced QScintilla by spyderlib (as a dependency for array editor, code editor (test launcher) and dict editor)
* qtwidgets.DockWidgetMixin: added method 'setup_dockwidget' to change dockwidget's features, location and allowed areas after class instantiation
* guidata.utils.utf8_to_unicode: translated error message in english
* Add support for 'int' in hdf5 save function
* guidata.dataset/Numeric items (FloatItem, IntItem): added option 'unit' (automatically add suffix ' (unit)' to label in edit mode and suffix ' unit' to value in read-only mode)
* Improved dataset __str__ method: code refactoring with read-only dataset widgets (DataItem: added methods 'format_string' and 'get_string_value', DataSet: added method 'to_string')
* Added coding guidelines to the documentation
* guidata.dataset.qtwidget: added specific widget (ShowBooleanWidget) for read-only display of bool items (text is striked out when value is False)
* guidata.hdf5io.Dset: added missing keyword argument 'optional' (same effect as parent class Attr)
* guidata.dataset.dataitems.IntItem objects: added support for sliders (fixes Issue 9) with option slider=True (see documentation)