
Latest version: v13.1.1

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New features and improvements to existing features.
There are incompatible changes in gvar.loads and
gvar.cspline.CSpline, though most old code should
still run.

- gvar.cspline.CSpline has been reimplemented. It now supports
different algorithms (select using keyword alg) and the
default algorithm is a monotonic spline rather than a
classical cubic spline.

- Adds support in gvar.BufferDict for uniform distributions: see
gvar.BufferDict.uniform. This is for use by lsqfit.

- gvar.load() and gvar.dump() use a new protocol (for serializing
GVars) that make them substantially more efficient for large
problems. gvar.load() can read files created with the
old protocol, but if you want to update the format used
in an old file, load it and dump it again:
dump(load('filename'), 'filename'). gv.loads() no longer
has a method keyword since the method is inferred from
the data.

- Pickle format used for BufferDicts is changed but the new code
can handle data from pervious versions.

- New option (compress) for gvar.evalcov_blocks().



- Fixes bugs in gvar.load and gvar.dump caused by recent security upgrades
to pyYAML.


Not secure

- gvar.dataset.svd_diagnosis has new keyword process_dataset that
allows it to be used in more general contexts.

- Fixes bug that prevented Dataset from reading compressed files
in Python 3.


Not secure
Minor update.

- Simple arithmetic is now supported for BufferDicts having the same layout.

- Much improved the heuristic used in gvar.dataset.svd_diagnosis to suggest
an svdcut. The new heuristic gives lower estimates usually. Also has a new
option for the input data. And fixed bug that occasionally caused crashes.

- Adds new option (add_svdnoise) to gvar.svd. This is primarily for use
by lsqfit. Also modifies the return value to contain information related
to the SVD cut (dof, nblocks, ...) (instead of storing that information in
gvar.svd itself, which is a bad idea).

- New convenience function gvar.sample(g), which is the same as


Not secure
Very minor update.

- Fixes small inefficiency in installation script.

- Small optimization for cloning BufferDicts.

- load and loads now able to load files dumped using versions of
gvar older than 8.4. The old format is different.


Not secure
- Fixes bug in evalcov_blocks that missed out correlations in certain
unusual situations. This affects svd.

- Fixes incompatibility with latest numpy.

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