New Features
- Added a ``TemporalFrame`` to represent relative or absolute time axes. [125]
- Removed deprecated ``grid_from_domain`` function and ``WCS.domain`` property. [119]
- Support for Python 2.x, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 was removed. [119]
- Add a ``coordinate_to_quantity`` method to ``CoordinateFrame`` which handles
converting rich coordinate input to numerical values. It is an inverse of the
``coordinates`` method. [133]
- Add a ``StokesFrame`` which converts from 'I', 'Q', 'U', 'V' to 0-3. [133]
- Support serializing the base ``CoordinateFrame`` class to asdf, by making
a specific tag and schema for ``Frame2D``. [150]
- Generalized the footrpint calculation to all output axes. [167]
API Changes
- The argument ``output="numerical_plus"`` was replaced by a bool
argument ``with_units``. [156]
- Added a new flag ``axis_type`` to the footprint method. It controls what
type of footprint to calculate. [167]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug in ``bounding_box`` definition when the WCS has only one axis. [117]
- Fixed a bug in ``grid_from_bounding_box`` which caused the grid to be larger than
the image in cases when the bounding box is on the edges of an image. [121]