
Latest version: v0.1.0

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* `gwkokab.inference.BayesianHierarchicalModel` is deprecated in favor of `gwkokab.inference.PoissonLikelihood`

**Breaking changes**

* `gwkokab.priors.UnnormalizedUniform` deprecated in favor of `numpyro.distributions.ImproperUniform`.
* Trivial errors are removed from `gwkokab.errors` module.
* `normal_error`
* `truncated_normal_error`
* `uniform_error`
* After the release of [numpyro-0.15.1](, `less_than_equals_to` and `greater_than_equals_to` constraints are removed from `gwkokab.constraints` module.
* The directory containing individual injections is removed from the synthetic data generation process.
* `gwkokab.population.PopFactory` is removed from the public API; instead, an instance of the class is provided in the `gwkokab.population` module.
* `gwkokab.population.NoisePopInfo`, `gwkokab.population.PopInfo`, and `gwkokab.population.run_noise_factory` are removed.
* `gwkokab.inference.BayesianHierarchicalModel` in favor of `gwkokab.inference.PoissonLikelihood`
* `gwkokab.inference.ModelPack` removed.

**New features**

* Constraints related to closed intervals, for details, see [PR125](
* Bijective transformations on different mass coordinates, for details, see [PR125](
* Wrapper for scaling models.
* Model registration and retrieval. `gwkokab.population.popmodel_magazine` and `gwkokab.population.error_magazine` are introduced to register the population model and error models, respectively.
* New models:
* `MultiSourceModel`
* `MultiSpinModel`
* `NPowerLawMGaussianWithDefaultSpinMagnitudeAndSpinMisalignment`
* New API for inference, compatible with `gwkokab.inference.flowMChandler`
* `gwkokab.inference.PoissonLikelihood`
* `gwkokab.inference.Bake`
* Progress Bar for the synthetic data generation process.


* Initial release.



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