info dictionary now contains the `status` key as a string in _{'small', 'tall', 'fireball'}_ indicating Mario's status.
| Key | Type | Description |
| `coins ` | `int` | The number of collected coins |
| `flag_get` | `bool` | True if Mario reached a flag or ax |
| `life` | `int` | The current life, i.e., _{3, 2, 1}_ |
| `score` | `int` | The cumulative in-game score |
| `stage` | `int` | The current stage, i.e., _{1, ..., 4}_ |
| `status` | `str` | Mario's status, i.e., _{'small', 'tall', 'fireball'}_ |
| `time` | `int` | The time left on the clock |
| `world` | `int` | The current world, i.e., _{1, ..., 8}_ |
| `x_pos` | `int` | Mario's _x_ position in the stage |