
Latest version: v4.1.0

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- Correctly expect that responses to HEAD requests will have no body regardless
of the value of the Content-Length header, and reject those that do.



API Changes (Backward-Compatible)

- Adds ``additional_data`` to ``H2Connection.close_connection``, allowing the
user to send additional debug data on the GOAWAY frame.
- Adds ``last_stream_id`` to ``H2Connection.close_connection``, allowing the
user to manually control what the reported last stream ID is.
- Add new method: ``prioritize``.
- Add support for emitting stream priority information when sending headers
frames using three new keyword arguments: ``priority_weight``,
``priority_depends_on``, and ``priority_exclusive``.
- Add support for "related events": events that fire simultaneously on a single



- Resolved issue where the ``HTTP2-Settings`` header value for plaintext
upgrade that was emitted by ``initiate_upgrade_connection`` included the
*entire* ``SETTINGS`` frame, instead of just the payload.
- Resolved issue where the ``HTTP2-Settings`` header value sent by a client for
plaintext upgrade would be ignored by ``initiate_upgrade_connection``, rather
than have those settings applied appropriately.




- Correctly update the maximum frame size when the user updates the value of
that setting. Prior to this release, if the user updated the maximum frame
size hyper-h2 would ignore the update, preventing the remote peer from using
the higher frame sizes.




- Correctly expect that responses to HEAD requests will have no body regardless
of the value of the Content-Length header, and reject those that do.




- Resolved ``AttributeError`` encountered when receiving more than one sequence
of CONTINUATION frames on a given connection.

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