Added - CMake options for excluding filter applications or benchmarks from the build. (247) - `h3GetFaces` function to find icosahedron faces for an index, and helper function `maxFaceCount` (253) Changed - Argument parsing for all filter applications is more flexible. (238) Fixed - Fix printing program name in `h3ToHier` error messages. (254)
Changed - Local coordinate spaces cannot cross more than one icosahedron edge. (234) - All dynamic internal memory allocations happen on the heap instead of the stack. (235) - Argument parsing for `h3ToGeo`, `geoToH3`, and `h3ToGeoBoundary` is more flexible. (227)
Added - `localIjToH3` filter application (222) - An option to print distances in the `kRing` filter application (222) Changed - Arguments parsing for `kRing` filter application is more flexible. (224) Fixed - `benchmarkPolyfill` allocates its memory on the heap (198) - Fixed constraints of vertex longitudes (213) - Zero only input to `uncompact` does not produce an error (223)
Changed - `binding-functions` build target generates an ASCII file on Windows (193)
Fixed - `binding-functions` build target fixed when running the build out of source (188)
Added - `getRes0Indexes` function for getting all base cells, and helper function `res0IndexCount` (174) - Include defined constants for current library version (173)