:birthday: h8mail Anniversary Update :balloon:
This release marks the h8mail's first year. In no particular order:
* Added multiple argument support per option (`-t ab.c ef.g`)
* Added Leak-Lookup public and premium API services
* Added `--chase`, to add discovered related emails to the ongoing target list. **Very powerful** :skull:
* Added local breach searching:
* Supports cleartext sources using `-lb`
* Supports compressed .gz sources using `-gz` (Tested with Collection1)
* Uses multiprocessing when multiple files are given :zap:
* Added `--single-file` option to scan file by file, thus showing precise progress bar, even for big files
* Added globing support for file paths (`-lb /tmp/2019_*`)
* Add `--hide` to hide password outputs for demonstrations
* Intense code refactor :fire:
* Performance boost
* Stability boost
* Code maintainability boost
* Many :bug: fixes
* Much easier to add new services for future releases
* Stripped almost every dependencies. Only requires `requests`
* Prettier printing and output formatting
* Added Loosey pattern matching for targets with `--loose`
* h8mail now uses `pip` for releases. So clean!
:package: `pip3 install h8mail`
:birthday: h8mail Anniversary Update :balloon:
> This is a pre-release. Documentation still needs updating, code needs small finishing tests for edge-cases. Other than that, enjoy!
:package: `pip3 install h8mail`