What's Changed
* Add `Platform.normalize_path` to ensure standard path strings by MHendricks in https://github.com/blurstudio/hab/pull/111
* `WinPlatform.normalize_path` no longer changes the UNC drive case by MHendricks in https://github.com/blurstudio/hab/pull/113
* Add hab install to download and install required distros by MHendricks in https://github.com/blurstudio/hab/pull/112
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/blurstudio/hab/compare/0.46.0...0.47.0
Adds the ability to resolve URI's and download and install any missing distros using a new cli command similar to `pip install`.
Example: `hab install -u a/uri -u another/uri`
The readme still needs updated but this example site file shows the basics of configuring `hab install`.
"set": {
"config_paths": [
"distro_paths": [
"downloads": {
"cache_root": "{relative_root}/downloads",
"distros": [
"profile_name": "aws-credential-name"
"install_root": "{relative_root}/distros"