- Textual configuration of Things can be spread out over multiple files
- Extensive error messages and exception tracebacks with variable values
- Rework of MultiModeItem:
- moved into subpackage HABApp.util.multimode
- create_mode is deprecated, modes get added by add_mode and can be subclassed
- Added SwitchItemValueMode, a mode which can be enabled/disabled by a SwitchItem
- added functions to work with OH rest/links/ endpoint (thx snpz)
- added get_thing to the OpenhabInterface
- BaseValueItem can be used in calculations (and subsequently all other item types, too),
no more need to use the ``value`` property
``val = NumberItem('item1') + NumberItem('item2')``
is the same as ``val = NumberItem('item1').value + NumberItem('item2').value``
- First call for scheduler with time of day for workday/weekend could have been wrong
- ParamFiles get unloaded properly when file gets deleted