- Rename ATTR*HM*_ to HM_ - Use generic property implementation
- Use min_temp if target_temp < min_temp - Remove event_loop from signatures - Refactor central_config, create xml_rpc server in central_unit
- Fix don't hide unignored parameters - Refactor refesh_entity_data. Allow restriction to paramset and cache age.
- Add semaphore to fetch sysvar and programs from backend
- Accept some existing prefix for sysvars and programs to avoid additional prefixing with Sv* / P* - accepted sysvar prefixes: V*, Sv* - accepted program prefixes: P*, Prg* - Read min/max temperature for climate devices - Min set temperature for thermostats is now 5.0 degree. 4.5. degree is only off
- Replace data\_\* by HmDataOperationResult - Use HmHvacMode HEAT instead of AUTO for simple thermostats - Add HUMIDITY and ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE to heating groups