
Latest version: v10.0.1

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New Features

* add support for black code formatting

* (deploy): include options when running deploys ([200](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/200))

* component commands ([199](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/199))
* linting fixes
* apply formatting

* changelog bump ([198](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/198))

Full set of changes: [`9.1.0...9.1.1`](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/compare/9.1.0...9.1.1)


New Features

* default to options for engine install

* set engine use local first
* updating handling for engines

* changelog bump ([193](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/193))
* linting fixes

Full set of changes: [`9.0.2...9.1.0`](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/compare/9.0.2...9.1.0)



* release pattern for release condition

Full set of changes: [`9.0.1...9.0.2`](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/compare/9.0.1...9.0.2)



* (ci): move release job into single workflow ([194](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/194))
* typo
* changelog details

* (engine): align unicycle docker tags

* changelog bump ([190](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/190))

Full set of changes: [`9.0.0...9.0.1`](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/compare/9.0.0...9.0.1)


New Features

* removes the query command group
* deprecate the query command group
* add dynamic engine loaders tram and train
* show hidden engines in cli
* adds support for getting container tags
* (engine): add the wrapper into the tram
* auto update the global engine
* add wrapper to unicycle loader
* handle out of date global engine
* detailed engine information ([167](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/167))
* include cli version in command
* add support for engine updates
* allow dryn runs on create actions
* update docs to outline install process
* add tests for commands and backend
* integrate engine management with cli
* add engine command to cli
* add docker-registry packages
* engine management commands
* add engine management backend
* container registry helper functions

* testing
* build detail path splitting
* tests
* use context manager for generate
* handle invalid versions for engine loading
* handle instllation process and global env
* handle broken engines
* remove local version from scm
* options passed to backend query for diagrams
* version bump
* set title to package name ([163](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/163))
* changelog command
* align env with arg
* handle permissions on home dir
* more descriptions on packages and add dos2unix
* wording fixes in docs
* update wording on container registry
* documentation and env setup
* handling of default and global engines
* support global args when not required
* logging during cli execptions

* align tests with backend move for deploy
* align with backend deploy move
* move deploy functions to backend
* remove networkx fixed dependecy
* engine update handling
* project layout ([173](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/173))
* move to scm based versioning ([172](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/172))
* (ci): release trigger process ([164](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/164))
* remove jenkinsfile docker trigger
* move engine name to argument
* update commands to align with backend
* updates and documentation

* changelog bump ([165](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/165))
* liniting fixes
* version bump ([170](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/170))
* version bump ([169](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/169))
* version bump ([168](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/168))
* release bump [skip actions] ([157](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/157))
* release bump [skip actions] ([156](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/156))
* release bump [skip actions] ([154](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/154))
* release bump [skip actions] ([153](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/153))
* release bump [skip actions]
* release bump [skip actions] ([148](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/148))
* release bump [skip actions] ([144](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/144))
* release bump [skip actions] ([141](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/141))
* linting updates
* release bump [skip actions] ([140](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/140))
* update cli package version ([137](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/137))

Full set of changes: [`8.1.2...9.0.0`](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/compare/8.1.2...9.0.0)



* include cookie cutter templates in packag ([135](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/135))
* revert testing for cmdb generate
* include setup packages in test
* importlib package name
* include importlib_resources in setup
* bump release to next dev release ([131](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/131))

* clean up dockerfile
* align commands with simple sytnax
* update testing for new command layout
* migrates cookie cutter templates to cli

* bump changelog
* release bump [skip actions] ([136](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/136))
* release bump [skip actions] ([133](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/133))
* liniting fixes
* release bump [skip actions] ([132](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/132))
* (deps): bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 ([130](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/130))
* (deps): bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 ([128](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/128))
* (deps): bump handlebars from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7 ([127](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/127))
* release bump [skip actions] ([126](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/issues/126))

Full set of changes: [`8.1.0, 8.1.1...8.1.2`](https://github.com/hamlet-io/executor-python/compare/8.1.0, 8.1.1...8.1.2)

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