- Pickle :class::`.HaproxyLogFile` data for faster performance.
- Add a way to negate the filters, so that instead of being able to filter by
IP, it can output all but that IP information.
- Add lots of filters: ip, path, ssl, backend, frontend, server, status_code
and so on. See ``--list-filters`` for a complete list of them.
- Add :method::`.HaproxyLogFile.parse_data` method to get data from data stream.
It allows you use it as a library.
- Add ``--list-filters`` argument on the command line interface.
- Add ``--filter`` argument on the command line interface, inspired by
Bogdan's early design.
[bogdangi] [gforcada]
- Create a new module :module::`haproxy.filters` that holds all available filters.
- Improve :method::`.HaproxyLogFile.cmd_queue_peaks` output to not only show
peaks but also when requests started to queue and when they finished and
the amount of requests that had been queued.
- Show help when no argument is given.
- Polish documentation and docstrings here and there.
- Add a ``--list-commands`` argument on the command line interface.
- Generate an API doc for ``HaproxyLogLine`` and ``HaproxyLogFile``.
- Create a ``console_script`` `haproxy_log_analysis` for ease of use.
- Add Sphinx documentation system, still empty.
- Keep valid log lines sorted so that the exact order of connections is kept.
- Add quite a few commands, see `README.rst`_ for a complete list of them.
- Run commands passed as arguments (with -c flag).
- Add a requirements.txt file to keep track of dependencies and pin them.
- Add travis_ and coveralls_ support. See its badges on `README.rst`_.
- Add argument parsing and custom validation logic for all arguments.
- Add regular expressions for haproxy log lines (HTTP format) and to
parse HTTP requests path.
Added tests to ensure they work as expected.
- Create distribution.
.. _travis: https://travis-ci.org/
.. _coveralls: https://coveralls.io/
.. _README.rst: http://github.com/gforcada/haproxy_log_analysis