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*Released on: 2024/08/12*

.. image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.13308312.svg
:alt: Digital Object Identifier for the Zenodo archive
:target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13308312

Breaking changes:

- Update the gravitational constant (`412 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/412>`__)
- Remove the ``harmonica.test()`` function (`482 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/482>`__)
- Remove ``depth_type`` from ``EquivalentSources`` (`468 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/468>`__)
- Change default value for ``depth`` in ``EquivalentSourcesGB`` (`515 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/515>`__)
- Change default for window size in ``EquivalentSourcesGB`` (`487 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/487>`__)

Bug fixes:

- Make ``reduce_to_pole`` work for arbitrary dimension names (`509 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/509>`__)
- Fix inverted sign in upward derivative filter (`479 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/479>`__)
- Fix coordinate rounding errors in FFT (`398 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/398>`__)

New features:

- Remove horizontal coordinates when ditching thin prisms (`394 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/394>`__)
- Raise error for zero depth value in equivalent sources (`524 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/524>`__)
- Merge magnetic forward functions for prisms (`448 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/448>`__)
- Merge magnetic forward functions for dipoles (`453 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/453>`__)
- Magnetic field of dipoles in Cartesian coordinates (`414 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/414>`__)
- Forward models of prisms gravity fields with Choclo (`400 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/400>`__)
- Drop null prisms when converting a prism layer to pyvista (`393 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/393>`__)
- Add total gradient amplitude transformation (`478 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/478>`__)
- Add ``total_field_anomaly`` function (`510 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/510>`__)
- Add progressbar to tesseroid forward modelling (`430 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/430>`__)
- Add new ``tilt_angle`` transformation function (`486 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/486>`__)
- Add magnetic field forward modelling of rectangular prisms (`369 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/369>`__)
- Add function to convert magnetic vector to inclination and declination (`402 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/402>`__)
- Add Euler Deconvolution of a single window (`493 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/493>`__)
- Add covariance, change fit data, more docs to Euler Deconvolution (`519 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/519>`__)
- Add associated Legendre function calculations (`505 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/505>`__)


- Use Dependabot to update GitHub Actions workflows (`455 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/455>`__)
- Use Choclo functions for forward modelling point sources (`422 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/422>`__)
- Use Burocrata to check and add license notices (`469 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/469>`__)
- Use a text field for license in pyproject.toml (`442 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/442>`__)
- Specify nopython=True on jit functions (`435 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/435>`__)
- Setup Trusted Publisher deployment to PyPI (`477 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/477>`__)
- Run serial vs parallel test on prisms without Numba (`434 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/434>`__)
- Rewrite check for point inside tesseroid with Numba (`419 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/419>`__)
- Fix prism_layer test when accessing PyVista cells (`409 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/409>`__)
- Fix broken ICGEM file loader test (`457 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/457>`__)
- Extend support to Python 3.12 (`484 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/484>`__)
- Extend support for Numpy 2.0 (`514 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/514>`__)
- Drop support for Python 3.8 (`497 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/497>`__)
- Drop support for Python 3.7 (`404 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/404>`__)
- Ditch setup.cfg and use only pyproject.toml (`438 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/438>`__)
- Decorate tests for Legendre functions (`521 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/521>`__)
- Continue running doctests after failure (`411 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/411>`__)
- Add Yago M Castro to AUTHORS.md (`489 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/489>`__)
- Add India Uppal to AUTHORS.md (`500 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/500>`__)
- Add Gelson to AUTHORS.md (`520 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/520>`__)


- Update versions of Sphinx and its plugins (`472 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/472>`__)
- Update how to pip install dev version in install.rst (`444 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/444>`__)
- Set hinge to zero in gallery example plot (`408 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/408>`__)
- Replace sphinx napoleon for numpydoc (`492 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/492>`__)
- Replace ``color`` for ``fill`` in examples using PyGMT (`495 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/495>`__)
- Minor typo in eq sources parameter estimation docs (`389 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/389>`__)
- Minor edits to grid transformations guides (`391 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/391>`__)
- Make gravity units more explicit (`421 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/421>`__)
- Improve installation instructions in the docs (`483 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/483>`__)
- Improve docstrings of prism gravity functions (`429 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/429>`__)
- Improve docstring of ``prism_magnetic`` function (`481 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/481>`__)
- Improve coordinates description in forward functions (`413 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/413>`__)
- Fix wrong citations of Cordell (1992) (`518 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/518>`__)
- Fix visualization test using deprecated PyVista method (`433 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/433>`__)
- Fix typo in user guide (`475 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/475>`__)
- Fix typo in Installing (`416 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/416>`__)
- Fix spelling of "Gaussian" in tranformations guide (`464 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/464>`__)
- Fix prism and tesseroid layer in API Reference (`428 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/428>`__)
- Fix multiple typos on `DatasetAccessorPrismLayer` (`494 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/494>`__)
- Fix missing PyGMT images in user guide (`474 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/474>`__)
- Download User Guides as scripts and notebooks (`405 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/405>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

- Agustina Pesce
- Federico Esteban
- Gelson F. Souza-Junior
- India Uppal
- Leonardo Miquelutti
- Leonardo Uieda
- Lu Li
- Mariana Gómez
- Matt Tankersley
- RichardScottOZ
- Santiago Soler
- Sergei Freiman
- Yago Moreira Castro



*Released on: 2023/03/01*

.. image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.7690145.svg
:alt: Digital Object Identifier for the Zenodo archive
:target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7690145


- Deprecate ``EQLHarmonic`` and ``EQLHarmonicSpherical`` classes (`366 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/366>`__)
- Deprecate ``isostasy_airy`` function (`379 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/379>`__)
- Deprecate the synthetic and dataset modules (`380 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/380>`__)

New features:

- Add function to create a tesseroid layer, similar to the one for the prism layer (`316 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/316>`__)
- Add function to read Oasis Montaj© grd files as ``xarray.DataArray`` (`348 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/348>`__)
- Add option to discard thin prisms when forward modelling a prism layer (`373 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/373>`__)
- Add FFT-based transformations and filters for horizontal derivatives, upward continuation, reduction to the pole of magnetic grids, and low-pass and high-pass Gaussian filters (`299 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/299>`__)
- Make horizontal derivative functions to compute the derivatives using central finite differences (`378 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/378>`__)


- Minor optimization in prism forward modelling (`349 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/349>`__)
- Set lower bounds for supported dependency versions following NEP29 (`356 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/356>`__)
- Extend support for Python 3.10 (`240 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/240>`__)
- Bump versions of style checkers like Black and Flake8 (`368 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/368>`__)
- Replace ``setup.py`` with PyPA ``build`` (`363 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/363>`__)
- Clean Harmonica API: make the ``forward``, ``equivalent_sources``, ``gravity_corrections``, ``isostasy`` and ``transformations`` submodules private (`362 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/362>`__)


- Replace Cartopy with PyGMT throughout the documentation (`327 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/327>`__)
- Fix typo in equivalent sources tutorial (`351 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/351>`__)
- Add tesseroid_layer to the API reference (`354 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/354>`__)
- Update README to match Verde and Boule (`358 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/358>`__)
- Fix contact link in the documentation side bar (`357 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/357>`__)
- Set v0.4.0 as the last with support for Python 3.6 (`359 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/359>`__)
- Add more papers to "Citing the methods" section in the docs (`375 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/375>`__)
- Add examples and a user guide page for grid transformations (`377 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/377>`__)
- Add examples on how to use horizontal derivative functions to the user guide (`384 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/384>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

- Mariana Gomez
- Lu Li
- Agustina Pesce
- Santiago Soler
- Matt Tankersley
- Leonardo Uieda



*Released on: 2022/08/26*

.. image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.7026294.svg
:alt: Digital Object Identifier for the Zenodo archive
:target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7026294

Bug fixes:

- Fix test function for empty ICGEM gdf file (`345 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/345>`__)
- Add a function to ignore the tesseroid with zero density or volume (`339 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/339>`__)
- Fix equivalent sources figures in gallery examples (`342 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/342>`__)
- Replace PROJECT placeholder in changes.rst for "harmonica" (`341 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/341>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

- Agustina Pesce
- BenjMy
- Santiago Soler



*Released on: 2022/08/12*

.. image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.6987201.svg
:alt: Digital Object Identifier for the Zenodo archive
:target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6987201


- Add ``FutureWarning`` to ``isostasy_airy`` function warning of deprecation after next release (`307 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/307>`__)
- Ditch soon-to-be deprecated args of equivalent sources grid method (`311 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/311>`__)
- Remove deprecated ``point_mass_gravity`` function (`310 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/310>`__)
- Drop support for Python 3.6 (`309 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/309>`__)
- Add deprecations to datasets and synthetic modules (`304 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/304>`__)

New features:

- Discard prisms with no volume or zero density before running the forward model (`334 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/334>`__)
- Add a new ``isostatic_moho_airy`` function to compute Moho depth based on Airy isostasy hypothesis using the *rock equivalent topography* concept (`307 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/307>`__)
- Add progressbar to prism forward gravity calculations (`315 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/315>`__)
- Add computation of gravitational tensor components for point sources (`288 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/288>`__)
- Add function to compute upward derivative of a grid in the frequency domain (`238 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/238>`__)
- Add conversion of prisms or a prism layer to PyVista objects (`291 <https://github.com/fatiando/PROJECT/pull/291>`__)


- Simplify tests for upward derivative (`328 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/328>`__)
- Avoid checking floats in tesseroid doctests (`326 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/326>`__)
- Update Black to its stable version (`301 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/301>`__)
- Move configuration from setup.py to setup.cfg (`296 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/296>`__)
- Pin style checkers and formatters (`295 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/295>`__)


- Add impostor syndrome disclaimer to docs (`333 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/333>`__)
- Convert README to Markdown, since it's no longer used to build the docs (`331 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/331>`__)
- Replace sphinx-panels for sphinx-design and refactor the home page of the docs(`329 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/329>`__)
- Specify spherical latitude in point sources guide (`325 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/325>`__)
- Note that spherical and geodetic latitudes are equal in spherical ellipsoids (`324 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/324>`__)
- Specify "spherical latitude" when describing coordinates of point masses (`321 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/321>`__)
- Fix small format errors in the user guide (`319 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/319>`__)
- Update docs and create a proper user guide (`305 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/305>`__)
- Update Sphinx version to 4.5.0 (`302 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/302>`__)
- Link Code of Conduct and Authorship, Contributing, and Maintainers Guides back to the Fatiando-wide pages (`294 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/294>`__)
- Replace Google Analytics for Plausible (`297 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/297>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

- Federico Esteban
- Lu Li
- Agustina Pesce
- Santiago Soler
- Matt Tankersley
- Leonardo Uieda



*Released on: 2021/12/02*

.. image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.5745400.svg
:alt: Digital Object Identifier for the Zenodo archive
:target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5745400

New features:

- Allow ``EquivalentSources`` to define block-averaged sources through a new ``block_size`` argument [Soler2021]_. (`260 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/260>`__)
- Add ``dtype`` argument to ``EquivalentSources``. Allows to select the data type used to allocate the Jacobian matrix. (`278 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/278>`__)
- Add a new ``EquivalentSourcesGB`` class that implements gradient-boosted equivalent sources. Provides a method to estimate the amount of computer memory needed to allocate the largest Jacobian matrix [Soler2021]_. (`275 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/275>`__)
- Allow ``tesseroid_gravity`` to compute gravitational fields of variable density tesseroids. Implements the density-based discretization algorithm and takes ``numba.njit`` decorated density functions as input [Soler2019]_. (`269 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/269>`__)

Breaking changes:

- Rename ``point_mass_gravity`` to ``point_gravity``. Having mass and gravity in the same function name is redundant. The function name has the same structure as other forward modelling functions (``tesseroid_gravity`` and ``prism_gravity``). The old ``point_mass_gravity`` will be deprecated on the next release. (`280 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/280>`__)

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug with the ``require_numba`` pytest mark and rename it to ``run_only_with_numba`` for improved readability. (`273 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/273>`__)


- Fix typo on ``EquivalentSources`` docstring: replace ``bloc_size`` with ``block_size``. (`276 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/276>`__)
- Minor improvements to the docs: fix bad references and links, replace Equivalent Layer for Equivalent Sources on API Index, fix bad RST syntax. (`274 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/274>`__)


- Rename the default branch: from ``master`` to ``main`` (`287 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/287>`__)
- Replace ``pylint`` for ``flake8`` extensions. Add ``isort`` for autoformatting imports. (`285 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/285>`__)
- Replace conda for pip on GitHub Actions and split requirements files for each separate task. (`282 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/282>`__)
- Make GitHub Actions to check if license notice is present in source files. (`277 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/277>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

- Santiago Soler



*Released on: 2021/10/22*

.. image:: https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.5593112.svg
:alt: Digital Object Identifier for the Zenodo archive
:target: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5593112

Bug fix:

- Add ``EquivalentSources`` and ``EquivalentSourcesSph`` to API index. Replace the old equivalent layer classes. (`270 <https://github.com/fatiando/harmonica/pull/270>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

- Santiago Soler

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