- In order to simplify the implementation of command execution for environment plugins, the `run_shell_commands` method has been replaced by the singular `run_shell_command`. A new `command_context` method has been added to more easily satisfy complex use cases.
- The `finalize_command` environment plugin method has been removed in favor of the newly introduced context formatting functionality.
- Add context formatting functionality i.e. the ability to insert values into configuration like environment variables and command line arguments
- Any verbosity for command execution will now always display headers, even for single environments
- Every executed command is now displayed when running multiple commands or when verbosity is enabled
- Similar to `make`, ignore the exit code of executed commands that start with `-` (a hyphen)
- Add ability for the `--init` flag of the `new` command to automatically migrate `setuptools` configuration
- Update project metadata to reflect the adoption by PyPA and production stability
- Change the `Generator` name of wheel metadata from `hatch` to `hatchling` to be more precise
- Add a `version` command
- Add option to force include files from arbitrary paths
- Add option to the `wheel` builder to ship files that will be installed globally
- Add option to the `wheel` builder to ship extra metadata files
- Support symlinks
- Upgrade `editables` dependency
- Use `tomllib` on Python 3.11+
- Always include the root `hatch.toml` config file, if present, for source distributions