What's Changed
* Fix Pixel Node Child Ordering by smcguire-cmu in https://github.com/astronomy-commons/hipscat/pull/20
* Pull version from git release tag by delucchi-cmu in https://github.com/astronomy-commons/hipscat/pull/21
* Black formatting and addressing pylint warnings by delucchi-cmu in https://github.com/astronomy-commons/hipscat/pull/23
* Move test data to tests directory, add fixtures for paths to data by smcguire-cmu in https://github.com/astronomy-commons/hipscat/pull/24
* Run copier for sphinx integration by delucchi-cmu in https://github.com/astronomy-commons/hipscat/pull/22
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/astronomy-commons/hipscat/compare/0.0.2...v0.0.3